Introduction to Drone Laws
BA 151 / CJA 050 - Only 0.5 Units 4 Weeks
An introduction to drone laws for commercial, public safety, and recreational drone users.
The instructor will be a
drone attorney or
drone police officer who will share interesting drone court cases.
This is a fun and informational class that will help you learn about how drones are being used, how to fly drones safely, and what happens when drones are being used illegally and not properly.
You will learn basic federal, state, and local drone laws, FAA regulations, liability issues, privacy concerns, and case law related to UAS drones in federal airspace.
You will not be flying drones in this class.
This class is designed for anyone interested in drones including new and experienced drone users.
Drones in
Public Safety
Did you know that drones are saving the lives of public safety workers and the public?
Public safety agencies are using drones
Learn more about
Drones in Public Safety courses.

SAC Faculty Lead for Drones
Contact for any questions about SAC drone courses and programs:
Dori Dumon, Drone Pilot
Assoc. Professor, Business Apps & Technology Dept.
Contact Career Education Business Counselors
714-564-6254 or Live Chat on Counselors Web Page
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Information and brochure provided on this page are based on Catalog 2021-22. Previous catalogs are listed on the SAC College Catalogs web page.