Drones for First Responders
CJA 050B - 1 Unit 8 Weeks
This course will give you the knowledge and skills to effectively conduct public safety drone missions for first responders including:
- Law Enforcement
- Private Security
- Fire Service
- Marine Safety / Lifeguard
- Search and Rescue
- Many other public agencies
Specific missions, equipment, and software programs will be introduced.
You will participate in hands on scenarios based on public safety drone missions.
Drones Provided in Class
Drones are provided in class. You do not need to buy a drone to take this class.

SAC Faculty Lead for Drones
Contact for any questions about SAC drone courses and programs:
Dori Dumon, Drone Pilot
Assoc. Professor, Business Apps & Technology Dept.
Contact Career Education Business Counselors
714-564-6254 or Live Chat on Counselors Web Page
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Information and brochure provided on this page are based on Catalog 2021-22. Previous catalogs are listed on the SAC College Catalogs web page.