​​ ServicesBesides ​​providing general safety and security, District Safety Office​rs may perform the following services: Render first-aid when the Health Center is closed (Call 714-564-6330 for Emergencies
- or 333 from a campus phone). Respond to emergencies on campus. Provide lost-and-found property services. Assist in starting vehicles by jump-starting dead batteries. Take crime reports, assist in the recovery of stolen property, and help the parties involved contact the police department when necessary. Provide directions and information regarding campus facilities and events. Assist with traffic accidents on campus. Provide escort services for staff and students returning to their vehicles after dark. Direct a contingency of student security assistants who patrol parking lots and provide escort services. Support the College Injury and Illness Prevention Program through periodic safety inspections of all campus buildings and grounds.
Campus Enforcement Authority and Inter-Agency Relationships District Safety Officers receive their authority from the Board of Trustees of RSCCD and the penal, education and vehicle codes of California. Officers are non-sworn and do not possess Peace Officer status. They are authorized to make arrests by provision of section 837 of the penal code. Safety Officers are authorized to enforce traffic and parking regulations on District campuses. They may issue citations for parking violations at Santa Ana College, CEC, OEC and Santiago Canyon College. The District Safety Department maintains a close working relationship with local police departments and other state and federal law enforcement agencies. Local police departments respond to crime scenes, take police reports from victims and provide investigative forensic services as required for all serious crimes. Colleges will respond to all crime reports in a timely manner. Access to Campus Facilities Most campus buildings are open from 7:00AM to 10:30PM. Students and staff members may be asked to produce identification if there is a question about authorization to be in a specific area. Individuals who need to be in campus buildings or areas during other than regularly schedule work hours should obtain approval from supervisors and notify the Safety Department of their presence during off-hours. Many campus buildings will normally be locked from 10:30PM on Friday until 6:30AM on Monday. Persons entering the Campus without lawful business are subject to arrest. District Safety Officers will unlock doors for weekend classes and other events as published in the Security Facility Listings prepared by the Facilities Office. It is the responsibility of those who use rooms, offices and areas to lock access doors, turn off lights, and close windows. Custodian and Safety personnel will check many of the areas of the campus during off-hours, but the primary responsibility for security lies with the user. College Property No District property may be removed from the campus without expressed written permission from the department chairperson or supervisor. Unauthorized removal of District property from the campus is a violation of the law and may result in prosecution. Maintenance and Security Of Campus Facilities
The Maintenance, Custodial, Grounds and Safety Departments combine to enhance the District's maintenance and security of campus facilities. Exterior doors on campus are secured each evening by custodians and Safety Officers. Building burglar and fire alarms are monitored by the Safety Department and private alarm companies. Grounds staff routinely trim trees and bushes to reduce potential safety hazards. Lighting is checked daily. Security hardware deficiencies are reported during continuous watch tour inspections by Safety Officers and are repaired promptly. All members of the community can report maintenance/security deficiencies by submitting Hazard Reporting Notices, or work orders. Exterior doors, especially classroom doors, should not be propped open. |