Pillar III - Stay on the Path:
Support students through a strong advising process, embedded and ongoing in the pathway experience and supported by appropriate technology, to help students make informed choices, strengthen clarity about transfer and career opportunities at the end of their chosen college path, ensure they develop an academic plan with predictable schedules, monitor their progress, and intervene when they go off track. Embed academic and non-academic support throughout students’ programs to promote student learning and persistence.
What is Santa Ana College doing to help students stay on the path?
Tracking Student Progress
| Provide Resources
| Develop Tools
| Foundations for Success
| Community at-large Involvement
| Retention
| Support and Interventions
Success Teams track student progress toward completing the program requirements.
Success Teams are cross-collaborative teams of academic and student support services
Students who are starting their college journey are provided with a digital education plan, exposure to Career Exploration workshops and activities, have FAFSA and are enrolled in Math & English
Creation and publication of 270+ Maps
‘At scale’ monitored early alert system and progress monitoring
Over 200 faculty utilize Starfish in academic concerns, tutoring referrals, attendance concerns, non-academic concerns, kudos
Action-plans and goals related to additional support measures and interventions