Pillar II - Enter the Path:
Bridge K12 to higher education by assuring early remediation in the final year of high school through the application of courseware technology in strong K12/higher ed partnerships, such as the TN SAILS model.
Redesign traditional remediation as an “on-ramp” to a program of study, which helps students explore academic and career options from the beginning of their college experience, aligns math and other foundation skills coursework with a student’s program of study, and integrates and contextualizes instruction to build academic and nonacademic foundation skills throughout the college-level curriculum, particularly in program “gateway” courses.
This overview is excerpted from a longer unpublished document developed by the Community College Research Center (CCRC) and the AACC Pathways Project. 2 c). Provide accelerated remediation to help very poorly prepared students succeed in college-level courses as soon as possible.
What is Santa Ana College doing to help students choose and enter the pathway?
| Promotion
| Consistent Communication
| Support
| Utilization of Technology
| Early Interventions
Success Teams
- Helping students explore career/college options, choose a program of study, and develop a full-time program plan as soon as possible.
- Monthly career exploration events
- Implementation of Canvas shells related to CAPs
- Marketing of Career Center workshops for career exploration
Early decision and orientation(s) (SACDay)
Using Students' Strengths
- Develop education plans that align with career goals
- Use SuperStrong Matrix in assessing students’ strengths alignment with careers and meta-majors
- Starfish and Self-service tools assist students with visualizing their journey and monitoring progress
Intensive Supports
- Provides intensive support for specialty programs such as TRIO, EOPS, Veterans
- Starfish as our early intervention tool connecting students with their Success Team Success Coaches
- Creation of Co-requisite courses to help students in gateway math and English courses.
- Dual-enrollment and Promise program
To order print material for guided pathways please contact Graphic Communications Manager, Mary Law, at Law_Mary@rsccd.edu.