SAC 2+2 Degree Program
The 2+2 degree program is a pathway to attaining a bachelor’s degree by attending the first two years at a community college for an Associate of Arts or Science (AA/AS) degree and then transferring to a university for a bachelor's degree for an additional 2 years. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the 2+2 degree program to earn the dual degrees – AA/AS degree + BA/BS degree. After having completed Santa Ana College’s AA/AS degree program and meeting the transfer requirements, students can make an easier transition to complete a bachelor’s degree at the University of California’s 10 universities, including UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Berkeley; the California State University’s 23 universities including CSU Fullerton, CSU Long Beach; and Stanford University and many other top colleges and universities across the United States.
2+2 Degree Program Financial Benefits

2+2 Degree Articulation Agreements
Above mentioned universities are just a sample of transfer destinations within California; a student can also transfer to many other top colleges and universities across the United States.
2+2 Degree Program Majors
A detailed description of each course can be found in the college catalog.