
​​​​​​​​​Santa Ana College Student ID Card

Student ID:​​

You receive your student ID the first time you register for a class at Continuing Education. You will need your student ID when filling out forms and when scheduling appointments for services such as meeting with a counselor. 

How to Retrieve Your Student ID:
Login to Self-Service and click on 'User Settings'. Your ID is located in the upper lefthand corner of the screen.

To login to Self-Service, use your school email address and password. You can also call our 24 hour tech support line for assistance at 
Access Self-Service now.​​

You can get a student ID card free of charge at the registration office in room A-101 at Centennial Education Center. 

(A Student ID has many benefits including many discounts online and in our community.) ​

Email inbox with a new message

Student Email and Password:

The first time you register for a class, a student email address is automatically created for you. Your student email is made up of your initials, 5 numbers + For example:​

Your password is your birthday. For example, if your birthday is April 6, 1990, your password will be:


Click here to retrieve your email address or reset your password. 

​To access your email account, login to Microsoft office at:

Once logged, click on the Outlook Icon. 
Click here to access your Outlook student email account at Santa Ana College Continuing Education