​​Finis​h High School! All Classes 100% FREE to CA Adults!​




WHat Do you Want to Do?

High School Diploma or ​​Equivalency Certificate?​​

​​To complete high school, you have two options. You can earn a high school diploma or an equivalency ce​​rtificate (HiSET/GED). Both programs prepare students to transition to college or to get a better job. 

  • High School Diploma

  • You earn a high school diploma after completing coursework and proficiencies.​ With this option, you attend classes in required subjects and complete coursework at your own pace. 

  • HiSET/GED Equivalency​

  • You receive an equivalency certificate (HiSET/GED) by passing an exam. Each exam consists of 4 to 5 subtests. 

  • Both the diploma and equivalency certificate program offer ​individualized study plans to work with your schedule.​

Not sure wh​a​​t program is right for you?  ​

Meet with an educational counselor. Appointments available online and in-person in Santa Ana, CA. ​​​

You can also request information and we will contact you. 

Click here to request information about high school programs, free to CA Adults!

or call us at 714-241-5700