Santa Ana College Supervised Tutoring Enrollment Form

Student Information

(Seven-digit student ID number)

Make sure to input your correct email address. You will get a confirmation email upon submitting this form.

To help you improve your skills and comprehension you have been advised to seek a tutor's assistance in one of the Santa Ana College Learning Support Centers. These include the Learning Center, Math Center, Science Center as well as other designated centers where tutoring occurs. In accordance with Section 58170 of Title 5 of the California Code of Education, all students receiving tutorial services may only receive those services "after referral by a counselor or an instructor on the basis of an identified learning need." Students who receive tutoring need to enroll in the noncredit Supervised Tutoring course that is free of charge.

Submitting this registration form for the "BASIC SKILLS SUPERVISING TUTORING" course enables you to utilize any of the Santa Ana College Learning Support Centers to which you have been referred. The class will appear in your WebAdvisor but will not appear on your Santa Ana College transcript.



© 2015 Santa Ana College 1530 W. 17th Street, Santa Ana, California 92706-1640(714) 564-6000